Monday 14 November 2016

Change In Concept: 'Menswear' to 'Shimmer'

My original idea to make a music video for the song 'Menswear' by The 1975 hasn't worked out as the locations I intended to use are not accessible. For this reason I am changing songs to a new concept, 'Shimmer' by the emo-punk band 'Moose Blood'.

My idea for this video is a guy who is missing an ex-girlfriend, the video shows close-up and extreme close up shots of the girl in environments such as wooded areas, the moors and in a bedroom. In between these shots I will have takes of the guy (potentially the lead singer of the song) walking down a dimly lit cobbled street - as mentioned in the song. I will also have the guy laying on the sofa, lip-synching with the lyrics at that point in the song. At the same time he will be staring out of the window at a street light outside - the camera will be at a low angle that shows the 'protagonists' face and the street light in the same shot. I am not 100% that this narrative is the intended meaning of the song but it is the narrative I have created in my head. At the end of the song there is a gap in the song where I wish to have a faded blackout. When the heavier music drops back in, I am going to have car headlights behind the lead singer with a guitar playing the 'riff' and moving in time with the music. Up until the last line of the lyrics where it cuts to the lead singer stood in-front of the headlights and the girl walks into the centre of the shot to meet the guy. As the music fades out, the shot will fade out.

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