Monday 12 December 2016

Pop Punk Music Video Analysis

  • Narrative video that contains live performance from the band in between the narrative.
  • Filter applied throughout.
  • Some use of first person cinematography but mostly close up shots of the characters.
  • Dark theme with it being set in a hospital and about an accidental car accident that results in death
  • The visuals throughout almost directly link to the lyrics of the song.

  • Based around a live performance style video.
  • Cuts between clips of loose links to lyrics. For example, "I just wanna break you down so badly" and there is a nature clip of a lion bringing down a gazelle.
  • A lot of the clips relate to nature and animals killing other animals.
  • Along with this there is also themes of humans destroying things such as buildings and natural things such as forests and cliff faces.
  • Similar to Brand New there is a blueish filter applied to the liver performance sections of the video.

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